Refrigerators, essential appliances for food preservation in modern life, are also a significant source of waste. According to recent statistics from relevant authorities, approximately 70 million refrigerators/freezers are discarded worldwide each year, with only about 17% effectively recycled. This inefficient recycling process leads to resource wastage and environmental pollution. However, a breakthrough solution has emerged. Our company has developed a state-of-the-art waste refrigerator recycling line that addresses this pressing issue.
Efficient Workflow and Recycling Benefits:
The waste refrigerator recycling line offers an efficient workflow that ensures safe and stable recycling. To begin, manual removal of refrigerants is necessary due to safety concerns. Once this step is completed, the automatic recycling line takes over. The process commences with waste refrigerators entering a high-power shredder through a conveyor belt for initial crushing. This reduces the garbage volume and separates sticky substances. Subsequently, the materials pass through a powerful crusher, breaking them down further to prevent adhesion between metal, plastic, and foam wood. This step facilitates easier classification and recycling.
Step-by-Step Material Recovery:
The separated materials are recovered progressively along the conveyor belt. The first material to be recycled is waste foam, which is separated using an air compressor. The recovery rate for foam surpasses 99%, ensuring high purity. The remaining waste mainly consists of metal and plastic, which are separated using a magnetic separator and eddy current equipment. The plastic recycling rate exceeds 99%, and magnetic separators extract iron from scrap metals. Eddy current equipment is employed to sort aluminum and copper from the remaining metals. After these meticulous treatment processes, the recyclable materials are segregated and sent to enterprises capable of reusing these secondary materials, thereby obtaining economic benefits.
Versatile and Customer-centric Approach:
The waste refrigerator recycling line is characterized by its efficiency, safety, and stability, effectively meeting customers’ recycling production needs. Furthermore, this innovative machine recycling line is also capable of recycling other household appliances such as TV sets, washing machines, and air conditioners. By expanding its capabilities, the recycling line aims to tackle a wider range of electronic waste, contributing to a cleaner and more sustainable environment.
With the development of our waste refrigerator recycling line, the global challenges associated with inefficient refrigerator recycling are being addressed. The advanced workflow, combined with efficient material recovery processes, ensures valuable resources are salvaged effectively. Additionally, the line’s versatility and customer-centric approach provide a comprehensive solution for recycling various household appliances. For further inquiries or information, please do not hesitate to contact us, and together, let us make a positive impact on the environment through responsible recycling practices.